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                                          IN 2021

               Total implementation investment in the whole province in 2021 at
          current prices reached 17,990.42 billion VND, a rise of 8.6% compared
          to 2020. By management levels: the centrally managed investment was
          estimated at 2,038.39 billion VND (accounting for 11.33%), increase of
          112.27%  compared  with  the  last  year;  the  locally-managed  investment

          was estimated at 15,952.03  billion VND (sharing 88.67%), increase of
          2.22% in comparison with the previous year. By investment sources: the
          State  sector’s  development  investment  gained  6,672.02  billion  VND,
          accounting for 37.08%, decrease by 15.06% compared to 2020; the non-
          state sector’s investment achieved 10,894.78 billion VND, accounting for
          60.31%, went up 34.42% compared to 2020; the FDI sector’s investment
          reached 468.62 billion VND, accounting for 2.6%, decrease by 26.70%
          compared to 2020. By economic activities, investment focused mainly on
          the  household  employment  activities,  production  of  physical  products
          and  services  for  household  self-consumption  accounted  for  27.91%;
          followed by the transportation and warehousing industry, accounting for
          18.54%;  the  manufacturing  occupied  11.98%;  the  agriculture,  forestry
          and fishery accounted for 10.38%; education and training accounted for
          6.66%;  public  administration  and  defense  accounted  for  5.74%;  the
          construction accounted 5.16%; the others sectors accounted for less than
          5% of the total investment.

               In terms of FDI attraction there will be no new licensed projects.
          Generally,  the  total  registered  capital  of  accumulated  projects  still  in
          effect  as  of  31/12/2021  reached  570.61  million  USD.  Realized  foreign

          direct investment capital by 2021 will reach 574.19 million USD.
               In 2021, the area of constructed housing floor reached 952,841 m ,
          an  decreased  of  12.61%  compared  to  last  year,  of  which  the  area  of
          permanent houses gained 808,615 m , accounting for 87.34%, the area of
          semi-permanent houses reached 117,226 m , making up 12.66%.

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