Page 18 - niengiam2022
P. 18

implement solutions to promote socio-economic development, pay attention
          to  support  and  remove  difficulties  for  enterprises  and  people  to  develop

          production  and  business;  at  the  same  time,  well  implement  social  security
          policies in association with ensuring security, politics, social order and safety.
          Therefore, the socio-economic development of Hoa  Binh province in 2022
          was maintained and achieved the following positive results:
               1. Economic growth

               Hoa Binh province's  economy in  2022 grew by 9.47% compared to
          2021, this is the highest growth rate ever. The economic structure shifted

          towards reducing the proportion of agriculture, forestry and fishery sector;
          increase the proportion of industry, construction and services sectors.
               Gross  regional  domestic  product  (GRDP)  in  2022  at  constant  2010
          prices  reached  32,791  billion  VND,  up  9.47%  over  the  previous  year.  In
          which: the agriculture, forestry and fishery sector increased by 4.69% and
          contributed 1.04 percentage points to the overall growth; the industry and

          construction  sector  increased  by  12.88%  and  contributed  5.30  percentage
          points;  the  service  sector  increased  by  10.11%  and  contributed  3.12
          percentage points; the product tax less subsidies on products increased by
          0.05% and contributed 0.003 percentage points to the overall growth.

               The scale of GRDP in 2022 at current prices was estimated at 56,640
          billion VND. Economic structure: the agriculture, forestry and fishery sector
          accounted  for  23.07%;  the  industry  and  construction  sector  accounted  for
          38.13%;  the  service  sector  accounted  for  33.57%;  the  product  tax  less
          subsidies on products accounted for 5.23% (corresponding structure in 2021
          were: 23.71%; 37.45%; 33.12%; 5.72%).

               2. Financial, banking and insurance activities

               2.1. State budget revenue and expenditure
               State  budget  revenue  in  the  area  in  2022  exceeded  the  set  plan.
          State  budget  expenditures  ensured  the  needs  of  socio-economic

          development,  national  defense  and  security,  and  support  people  facing
          difficulties due to the Covid-19 pandemic, ensuring thrift, efficiency and
          compliance with the regime.

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