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35.83%); gasoline fee was 423.18 billion VND (a rise of 61.78%); revenue
          from  fees  was  66.19  billion  VND  (a  rise  of  14.43%);  revenues  from
          housing and land reached 2,080.40 billion VND (a rise of 56.17%); other
          revenues were 205.08 billion VND (a rise of 65.27%) compared to 2020.

               The total state budget expenditure in 2021 was estimated to reach
          29,476.85  billion  VND,  a  decrease  by  10.81%  compared  to  2020,  of
          which: Expenditure on  development investment 4,444.61 billion VND,
          accounting for 15.09% of total expenditures and decrease 6.94% over the
          previous year; the recurrent expenditure reached 9,905.25 billion VND,
          accounting for 33.60% of total expenditures and a decrease 1.32% over
          the  last  year;  additional  expenditure  for  reserve  fund  was  1.30  billion
          VND,  and  equaling  to  the  last  year;  additional  expenditure  for  the
          subordinate  state  budget  units  was  14,272.10  billion  VND,  making  up
          48.42% of total expenditures and a decrease 13.59% over the last year;
          expenditure on paying to superior state budget units was 188.48 billion
          VND, accounting for 0.64% of total expenditures and increased 100.63%
          in comparison with the previous year.

               3. Insurance
               In 2021, there were 92,228 persons in the province participated in
          social insurance, increasing by 8.08% over the last year; 757,765 persons
          joined in health insurance, decrease by 7.39%; 69,083 persons took part in
          unemployment insurance, going up 8.07% over the previous year.

               Total  insurance  revenue  in  2021  reached  2,116  billion  VND,  an
          decrease of 9.73% compared to 2020, of which: social insurance revenue
          gained  1,191  billion  VND,  accounting  for  56.29%;  health  insurance
          revenue  reached  851  billion  VND,  making  up  40.22%;  unemployment
          insurance revenue was 72 billion VND, making up 3.40%. The interest
          of  of  social  insurance,  health  insurance  and  unemployment  insurance
          gained 2 billion VND, accounting for 0.09% of total insurance revenues.

                Total  insurance  expenditure  in  2021  was  3,000  billion  VND,  an
          increase  of  0.44%  over  the  same  period,  of  which:  Social  insurance
          expenditure reached 2,101 billion VND, accounting for 70.03%; health
          insurance  spending  reached  832  billion  dong,  accounting  for  27.73%;
          unemployment  insurance  expenditure  reached  67  billion  dong,
          accounting for 2.23% of total insurance expenditure.

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