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                                          IN 2021

               1. Population

               Average  population  in  2021  in  the  province  was  871,724
          persons,  an  increase  of  10,508  persons,  equivalent  to  1.22%  over
          2020, of which the urban population was 221,383 persons, accounting
          for 25.40%; the rural population was 650,341 persons, accounting for

          74.60%;  male  population  438,650  persons,  accounting  for  50.32%;
          female population 433,074 people, accounting for 49.68%.

               The  total  fertility  rate  in  2021  reached  2.19  children  per
          woman,  which  continued  remaining  the  replacement  level  fertility.
          The  sex  ratio  of  population  was  97.80  males  per  100  females;  the

          crude  birth  rate  was  13.70‰  and  the  crude death  rate  was  6.70‰.
          The  infant  mortality  rate  was  16.38‰.  The  under-5  children
          mortality rate was 24.64‰. The average life expectancy at birth in
          the  province  was  72.7  years  in  2021,  of  which  the  average  life

          expectancy  of  the  male  was  70.1  years  and  the  average  life
          expectancy of the female was 75.5 years.

               2. Labor and employment

               Labor force aged 15 years and over in the province in 2021 was
          estimated at 476,337 persons, a increase of 25,983 persons over 2020,
          of  which  the  male  employee  shared  52.59%;  the  female  employee

          accounted  for  47.41%;  the  labor  force  in  urban  areas  accounts  for
          21.7%; rural labor force accounted for 78.3%.

               The labor force aged 15  years and over engaging in economic
          activities  in  2021  was  estimated  at  464,174  persons,  a  increase  of
          18,998 persons over 2020, accounting for 53.25% of total population,

          of which the male labor accounted for 55.32% and the female labor

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