Page 59 - niengiam2021
P. 59

(4)  Those  persons  who  are  working  for  the  purpose  of
          wage/salary/profit even that the money is not paid directly to them but

          accrued to their own families’ general income, including:
               (i) Those persons who are working in any kind of business units
          run  by  one  member  of  their  own  families,  living  in  the  same  or
          another household;

               (ii) Those persons who are in charge of any task/duty of a paid
          job held by one member of their own families, living in the same or
          another household.

               Rate  of  trained  persons  employed  in  the  economy  is  the
          indicator reflecting the comparable rate of trained persons employed
          to total number of persons employed in the period.

           Rate of trained persons      Number of trained persons employed
          employed in the economy   =                                        × 100
                     (%)                 Total number of persons employed

               Number  of  trained  persons  employed  in  the  economy  includes
          those who satisfy both of the following conditions:

               - Be employed in the economy;

               -  Have  been  trained  in  a  school  or  an  establishment  whose
          responsibility  is  training  in  professional,  technical  knowledge  under
          the  National  Education  System  for  3  months  and  more,  have  been
          graduated  or  granted  the  degree/certificate  including:  short-term
          training, vocational secondary school, vocational college, professional
          secondary  school,  college,  university  and  post-graduate  (master,
          doctor, and science doctorate).

               Unemployed population is persons aged 15 years and over, met
          the following factors in the reference period: (i) currently not working;
          (ii) seeking employment; (iii) ready to work.

               Unemployed population also consists of those persons who are
          currently unemployed and ready to work but do not seek employment
          in the reference period, due to some reasons as follows:

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