Page 543 - niengiam2021
P. 543

                                          IN 2021

               1. Retail sales of goods and services

               In 2021, commercial business activities in the whole province

          of Hoa Binh were severely affected because from the  beginning of
          the year the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic had a comprehensive
          and  profound  impact  and  continued  to  have  complicated
          developments.  unpredictable.  Climate  change,  natural  disasters,
          floods,  landslides,  storms,  epidemics  occur  in  many  places...

          Estimated total retail sales of goods and consumer service revenue in
          2021  reached  12,661.53  billion  VND,  up  3.91%  compared  to  the
          previous  year.  Inside:  the  total  retail  sales  of  goods  reached

          10,053.59 billion VND, up 7.82%, accounting for 79.72%; revenue
          from  accommodation  and  food  services  reached  1,937.74  billion
          VND,  down  9.41%,  accounting  for  15.36%.  Other  service  revenue
          reached 620.18 billion VND, down 7.92%, accounting for 4.92%.

               As of December 31, 2021, the whole province had 95 ranked
          markets, equal to 100% of 2020; 10 supermarkets in which: 5 grade

          3  supermarkets;  1  grade  2  supermarket;  1  grade  1  supermarket;
          3 specialized supermarkets.

               2. Tourism

               Tourism  activities  still  have  many  shortcomings  such  as:
          Investment is still slow, lack of synchronization. Due to the Covid-
          19 epidemic, the tourism activities of the whole province have been

          strongly affected. The results of tourism activities are still limited
          compared  to  the  potential  of  the  province,  slow  development
          compared to other provinces in the region, economic efficiency is
          not high.

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