Page 603 - Cục Thống kê tỉnh Hòa Bình
P. 603


                             In the school  year 2019-2020, there were 222 kindergartens in
                        the  province,  consisting  of  35  primary  schools;  44  lower  secondary
                        schools;  36  upper  secondary  schools;  176  primary  and  lower
                        secondary school; 11 secondary schools; 1 general schools

                             At the beginning of the school year 2019-2020, there were 5,617
                        preschool teachers, grew by 3.62% over the same period of the school
                        year 2018-2019; the number of classroom general teacher was 9,998
                        persons, a decrease of 0.94%, consisting of: 4,898 primary teachers, a
                        increase  of  0.68%;  3,535  lower  secondary  teachers,  decrease  of
                        5.02%; 1,565 upper secondary teachers, grew by 3.92%.         All general
                        school teachers reached at least qualification standard.

                             In  the  school  year  2019-2020  in  the  province,  the  number  of
                        preschool  children  was  61,716  children,  decreased  by  5.81%
                        compared to the previous school year; the number of general school
                        pupils  was  161,803,  increased  by  3.54%,  of  which  83,540  primary
                        school  pupils,  jumped  by  4.47%;  52,708  lower  secondary  school
                        pupils, increased by 3.46% and 25,555 upper secondary school pupils,
                        edged up by 0.73%, compared to the previous school year.
                             The  average  number  of  students  in  a  kindergarten  class  is  24
                        students/class;  primary  level  is  25  students/class;  junior  high  school

                        level  is  30  students/class  and  36  high  school  students/class.  The
                        average  number  of  students  per  kindergarten  teacher  is  11
                        students/teacher; primary level is 17 students/teacher; middle school
                        level is 15 students/teacher and high school is 16 students/teacher.
                             In  2019,  there  was  1  professional  secondary  school  and  6
                        colleges in the province. The number of professional secondary school

                        and colleges lecturers was 23 and 362, respectively. The number of
                        students  in  professional  secondary  school  and  colleges  in  2019  was
                        3,859  and 837 persons, respectively. In the school year 2019-2020,
                        there  were  1,429  students  graduated  from  professional  secondary
                        school and 278 students graduated from colleges. No university was

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