Page 577 - Cục Thống kê tỉnh Hòa Bình
P. 577
1. Transport
Despite the impact of fluctuations in petrol prices, in 2019, the total
increase in domestic gasoline prices increased by more than 2,500 VND
per liter, oil prices increased by 590-2088 VND/liter, kg depending on
the type.
Specifically: RON 95 gasoline prices have increased 10 times, 11
times decreased, the rest remain unchanged. For the whole year, the price
of RON 95 gasoline increased by 2,501 VND. E5 RON 92 gasoline price
has 10 times increased, 11 times decreased, the rest remain unchanged.
The total increase is 3,443 VND/liter.
Diesel prices increased 10 times, 11 times decreased, the total
increase was 590 VND/liter; kerosene increased by 10 times, decreased
by 11 times, with a total increase of 582 VND/liter; mazut oil increased
by 11 times, decreased by 10 times, and decreased by 2,088 VND/kg.
But in the past time, with the agility of businesses in the field of
transportation services, the cargo and passenger transportation in 2019
will still keep the level of meeting the demand for transporting goods and
passengers. locality.
Passenger carriage in 2019 reached 3,853.4 thousand passengers,
up 4.0% over the same period last year; 262,182.2 thousand, up 4.2%.
Cargo carriage in 2019 reached 7,179.9 thousand tons, up 5.3%
over the previous year; 244.806.9 thousand, up 5.3%;
Warehouse transportation revenue reached 1,231.91 billion VND,
up 2.99% compared to 2018.
2. Postal service and telecommunication
In 2019, the total number of telephone subscribers reached 852,698
subscribers, up 46.35% compared to 2018 and reaching an average of
98.38 subscribers/100 people. The number of Internet subscribers was
estimated at 410,964, up 51.53% over the same period, reaching an
average of 48.02 subscribers/100 people.