Page 59 - niengiam2022
P. 59
CBR: Crude birth rate;
B: Total live births in the reference period (total of children were born
alive in the reference period);
P tb: Population up to the reference time-point.
Total fertility rate (TFR)
Total fertility rate reflects the average number of live births that would be
born per woman during the childbirth period if the woman passes age-specific
fertility rates observed in a given reference period during the reproductive
Formula by age group:
x 15 W x
TFR: Total fertility rate (children per woman);
B x: Number of live births registered in the year of women aged (x);
x : One-year age interval;
W x: Number of women aged (x) at the calculation mid-year.
Age specific fertility rates are accumulated from x = 15 to x = 49.
In fact, the total fertility rate is calculated by the abridged method. In case
the age specific fertility rates are calculated for 5-year age groups, index of
(i) represents the 5-years interval of age, such as 15-19, 20-24, ..., 45-49.
Formula by 5-year interval of age:
7 B
TFR 5 i
i 1 W i
TFR: Total fertility rate;