Page 57 - niengiam2021
P. 57


               e0: Life expectancy at birth (unit: year);

               T0: Total number of years of the newborns in the Life table who

                  will continue to live;
               l0: Number of persons who live to the age of 0 of the Life table

                  (the set of original newborns is observed).

               Life  expectancy  at  birth  is  one  of  the  integrated  indicators
          calculated from the Life table.

               The  Life  table  is  a  statistical  table  that  includes  the  indicators
          showing the viability of population moving from one age to the next

          and the mortality of the population at different ages. The Life table
          shows that from an initial set of the births (on the same cohort), there
          will  be  how  many  persons  who  will  live  to  1  year,  2  years,...,  100
          years,...;  among  them,  there  are  how  many  persons  at  each  of  the
          certain ages who will be dead before the following age; those persons

          who have reached a certain age will have what probability of survival
          and death; how long is the life expectancy in the future.

               Rate of literate population aged 15 years and over reflects the
          ability of reading and writing of the population, serves to assess the
          development level of a country, region or locality.

               This  indicator  is  calculated  as  the  rate  between  the  number  of

          persons aged 15  years and over at time (t)  who are literate (able to
          read, write and understand a simple sentence in the national language,
          ethnic or foreign language) and the total population aged 15 years and
          over at that time.

                                         Literate population aged 15 years
                Rate of literate                     and over
           population aged 15 years  =                                     × 100

                 and over (%)             Total population aged 15 years
                                                     and over

   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62