Page 13 - niengiam2021
P. 13


                     IN HOA BINH PROVINCE IN 2021

               1. Economic growth

               Gross  domestic  product  (GRDP)  in  2021  (at  2010  constant
          prices) reached 30,132.47 billion VND, up 2.66% over the previous
          year. In which, the group of agriculture, forestry and fishery increased
          by 4.8%; industry and construction group decreased by 0.07%; service

          group  increased  by  3.75%;  product  tax  minus  product  subsidies
          increased by 9.90%. The growth rate of gross domestic product in the
          province in 2021 is 1.04 percentage points lower than the growth rate
          of 2020.

               The  scale  of  GRDP  in  2021  (at  current  prices)  will  reach
          53,099.86 billion VND; GDP per capita reached 60.91 million VND.
          equivalent to 2,585 USD, an increase of 40 USD compared to 2020.
          Regarding  the  economic  structure  in  2021,  the  agriculture,  forestry
          and  fishery  sector  accounts  for  22.99%;  industry  and  construction

          accounted for 40.26%; service sector accounted for 31.13%; product
          tax  minus  product  subsidies  accounts  for  5.62%  (the  corresponding
          structure in 2020 is 23.05%; 41.42%; 30.28%; 5.25%). The ratio in the
          industry-construction sector in 2021 is lower than in 2020 due to the
          outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic in 2021, industrial production will
          be greatly affected, the industry-construction sector will decrease. Due
          to  the  outbreak  of  the  Covid-19  epidemic,  industrial  production

          industries  were  affected,  leading  to  a  decrease  in  the  proportion  of
          2021 compared to 2020.

               2. State budget revenues, expenditures and insurance
               The  total  state  budget  revenue  in  the  province  in  2021  was

          estimated to reach 21,636.43 billion VND, down 4.42% compared to
          2020,  of  state  budget  revenue  reached  5,441.32  billion  VND,
          accounting  for  25.15%  of  total  revenue,  an  increase  of  7.64%

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