Page 98 - Cục Thống kê tỉnh Hòa Bình
P. 98

individuals  operating  in  business  production  and  services  were
                        recorded  at  1,665.40  billion  VND  (a  decrease  of  12.51%);  revenue

                        from registration fee 149.81  billion VND (a rise of 31.71%); gasoline
                        fee was 297.51 billion VND (a rise of 25.82%); revenue from fees was
                        59.73  billion VND (a rise of 8.29%); revenues from housing and land
                        reached 812.06 billion VND (a rise of 46.65%); other revenues were
                        267.80 billion VND (a decrease of 5.22%) over the year 2018.

                             The  state  budget  expenditure  in  2019  was  estimated  to  reach
                        11,255.69 billion VND, increasing by 10.76% compared to 2018, of
                        which:  Expenditure  on  development  investment  2,300.22  billion
                        VND,  accounting  for  20.44%  of  total  expenditures  and  increased

                        8.08%  over  the  previous  year;  the  recurrent  expenditure  reached
                        7,853.85   billion VND, accounting for 69.78% of total expenditures
                        and  increased  2.52%  over  the  last  year;  additional  expenditure  for
                        reserve fund was 1.30 billion VND, sharing 0.01% and equaling to the
                        last year; additional expenditure for the subordinate state budget units

                        was  528.29  billion  VND,  making  up  4.69%  of  total  expenditures;
                        expenditure on paying to superior state budget units was 85.92 billion
                        VND,  accounting  for  0.76%  of  total  expenditures  and  increased
                        495.84% in comparison with the previous year.

                             3. Insurance
                             In 2019, there were 81,522 persons in the province participated

                        in social insurance, increasing by 6.15% over the last year; 808,371
                        persons joined in health insurance, rising by 0.73%; 65,142 persons
                        took  part  in  unemployment  insurance,  going  up  6.95%  over  the
                        previous year.

                             Total insurance revenue in 2019 reached 1,911 billion VND, an
                        increase  of  5.85%  compared  to  2018,  of  which:  social  insurance
                        revenue  gained  1,060  billion  VND,  accounting  for  55.47%;  health
                        insurance  revenue  reached  778  billion  VND,  making  up  40.71%;

                        unemployment  insurance  revenue  was  70  billion  VND,  making  up
                        3.66%.  The  interest  of  of  social  insurance,  health  insurance  and

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