Page 97 - Cục Thống kê tỉnh Hòa Bình
P. 97

                                             AND INSURANCE IN 2019

                             1. National accounts

                             Gross  regional  domestic  product  (GRDP)  in  2019  (at  constant
                        prices 2010) in the province was estimated at 29,956.20 billion VND,
                        an  increase  of  6.75%  over  the  previous  year.  Of  which,  the
                        agriculture,  forestry  and  fishery  sector  increased  by  4.81%,

                        contributing  1.01  percentage  points  to  the  overall  growth  rate;  the
                        industry and construction sector rose by 8.07%, a contribution of 3.65
                        percentage point; the service sector went up 6.54%, contributing 1.88
                        percentage  points.  In  general,  the  GRDP  in  the  province  in  2019
                        achieved  a  lower  growth  rate  of  1.82%  than  the  year  2018,  mainly
                        because the industry and construction sector rose by a lower growth

                        rate of 5.39% than the rate of 2018, in which industry a lower than the
                        last year the 6.09%, the service sector was 1.13% lower than the last
                        year. The increase of agriculture, forestry and fishery is 0.11% higher
                        than  the  previous  year;  the  group  of  product  tax  minus  product
                        subsidies was 2.09% higher than the previous year, which affected the
                        overall growth rate of the GRDP in the province in 2019.

                             In  term  of  economic  structure:  the  agriculture,  forestry  and
                        fishery  sector  shared  19.93%;  the  industry  and  construction  sector
                        made up 45.27%; the service sector accounted for 29.91%; the group

                        of product tax minus product subsidies was 4.89% (the corresponding
                        economic structure of 2018 was 20.35%; 44.61%; 30.02%; 5.02%).

                             2. State budget revenue and expenditure

                             The total local state budget revenues in 2019 was estimated at
                        20,389.76 billion VND, a rise of 100.86 billion VND (equivalent to
                        0.5%) compared to 2018, of which, Balance of state budget revenue
                        domestic revenues  3,374.07 billion VND (accounting for  16.55% of
                        total revenue), a rise of 4.03%, including: revenues from enterprises,

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