Page 92 - Cục Thống kê tỉnh Hòa Bình
P. 92


                                ON GROSS REGIONAL DOMESTIC PRODUCT,
                                       STATE BUDGET AND INSURANCE

                             GROSS REGIONAL DOMESTIC PRODUCT

                             Gross  regional  domestic  product  (GRDP)  reflects  the  final
                        result of production performed by locally residential production units.
                        At the level of provinces/cities under the central government, GRDP
                        is calculated by production approach. Accordingly, GRDP is the sum

                        of the value added at basic price of all economic activities plus taxes
                        on products less subsidises on products.

                             Value added is the value of goods and services newly generated
                        by  economic  activities  in  a  given  period.  The  value  added  is  a
                        component of gross output and it equals to difference between gross

                        output and intermediate consumption. The value added is measured at
                        current and constant prices;

                             Basic  price  is  the  amount  of  money  received  by  the  producer
                        through  sale  of  produced  goods  or  services,  exclusive  of  taxes  on
                        products and inclusive of subsidies on products. The basic price does

                        not  include  transport  and  trade  margins  which  is  not  paid  by  the
                        producers in process of selling their products;

                             The value added is calculated at the basic price. The GRDP is
                        always valued at the market price.

                             GRDP is calculated at current and constant prices:

                             GRDP  at  current  prices  is  often  used  to  study  the  economic
                        structure,  the  proportioned  relationship  among  production  activities,
                        the  relationship  between  the  production  output  and  the  state  budget


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