Page 15 - Cục Thống kê tỉnh Hòa Bình
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834 tons (winter-spring rice production reached 93,061 tons, down
2,551 tons; winter rice production reached 113,324 tons, an increase
of 1,717 tons) compared to 2018.
In 2019, the newly concentrated forestation area in the province
will reach 7,925 hectares, down 3.41% compared to 2018, of which
production forests will reach 7,742 hectares, down 1.52%. The output
of exploited wood reached 532,410 m3, an increase of 1.18%
compared to 2018.
In 2019, the province continues to implement programs and
projects on aquaculture development, intensify fishery extension,
encourage localities in the province to make use of lakes, dams, fields
and irrigation works. for aquaculture. Aquaculture area reached
2,370.3 ha, an increase of 3.53% compared to 2018, of which the area
of fish farming reached 2,369.9 ha, accounting for 99.98% of the total
area, up 3.55% compared to in 2018. The production of aquatic
products reached 7,505.2 tons, an increase of 7.41% compared to
2018, of which aquaculture production reached 5,790 tons, an increase
of 8.61%; fishing production reached 1,715 tons, up 3.56%.
- Industry
Production index of the whole industry in 2019 increased by
28.32% over the same period. Of which: The index of mining industry
decreased by 1.59%; processing and manufacturing industry increased
210.40%; electricity, gas, hot water production and distribution
industry decreased by 31.94%; water supply, waste management and
waste treatment activities increased by 12.80%.
- Trade and tourism, transport
Total retail sales of consumer goods and services in 2019
reached 13,856.8 billion VND, an increase of 15.60% compared to the
previous year. Split, total retail sales of goods reached 11,835 billion
VND, up 15.96%, accounting for 85.41%; accommodation and food
services revenue reached 2,011 billion, up 13.42%; tourism revenue
reached 10.8 billion VND, up 35% compared to 2018.