Page 12 - Cục Thống kê tỉnh Hòa Bình
P. 12
1. Economic growth
Gross regional domestic products (GRDP) in 2019 (at constant
2010 prices) reached 29,956.2 billion VND, an increase of 6.75%
compared to the previous year. In which, agriculture, forestry and
fishery increased by 4.81%; industry and construction increased by
8.07%; service group increased by 6.54%; product tax minus product
subsidy increased by 4.23%. The total GDP of the province in 2019
will increase or decrease by 1.82% compared to that of 2018.
The size of GRDP in 2019 at current prices will reach 50,993.41
billion VND; GDP per capita reached 59.58 million VND, equivalent
to 2.503 USD, an increase of 145 USD compared to 2018. Regarding
the economic structure in 2019, the agriculture, forestry and fishery
accounted for 19.93%; industry and construction sector accounts for
45.27%; service sector accounts for 29.91%; product tax minus
product subsidies accounted for 4.89% (the corresponding structure of
2018 was 20.35%; 44.61%; 30.02%; 5.02%). As such, the economic
structure in 2019 is undergoing a shift in the direction of declining
agricultural, forestry and fishery production areas, industry and
construction and service sectors, but the level of transformation is still
2. State budget revenues, expenditures and insurance
The total state budget revenue in the province in 2019 was
estimated to reach 20,389.76 billion VND, up 0.5% compared to
2018, of which the state budget revenue balance reached 5,723.90
billion VND, accounting for 28.07% of total revenue, an increase of
10.88% compared to 2018. Total state budget expenditure in 2019 is
estimated at 11,255.69 billion VND, down 10.76% compared to 2018.