Page 13 - Cục Thống kê tỉnh Hòa Bình
P. 13
1. Economic growth
Gross regional domestic products (GRDP) in 2018 (at 2010
constant prices) reached 28,776.5 billion VND, increasing by 8.36%
over the previous year. Of which, the agriculture, forestry and fishery
sector increased by 5.3%; the industry and construction sector rose by
11.70%; the service sector grew by 5.73%; and the product taxes less
subsidies on production rose by 7.22%. The growth rate of GRDP in
the province in 2018 is 0.31% lower than the rate in 2017.
The size of GRDP in 2018 at current prices reached 42.906.27
billion VND; GRDP per capital achieved 51.15 million VND,
equivalent to 2,216 USD, an increase of 196 USD over 2017. In term
of economic structure in 2018, the agriculture, forestry and fishery
sector accounted for 20.87%; the industry and construction sector
made up 44.68%; the service sector shared 28.28%; and the product
taxes less subsidies on production accounted for 5.65% (the
corresponding figures of 2017 were 21.14%; 43.85%; 29.29%;
5.71%). Thus, the economic structure in 2018 revealed a transition
toward a decline in the agriculture, forestry and fishery sector and a
rise in the industry and construction sector and the service sector.
However, this transition still remained slowly.
2. State budget revenues, expenditures and insurance
Total State budget revenues in the province in 2018 were
estimated to reach 13,349.64 billion VND, an increase of 16.02%
compared to 2017, of which total state budget balancing revenues
achieved 5,155.29 billion VND, accounting for 38.62 % of total
revenues, rising by 0.87% over 2017. Total State budget expenditures
reached 19,450.81billion VND, soared by 77.70% compared to 2017.
Total insurance revenues in 2018 were estimated to be worth