Page 430 - Cục Thống kê tỉnh Hòa Bình
P. 430

                               AND METHODOLOGY OF SOME STATISTICAL
                                INDICATORS ON AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY
                                                    AND FISHING


                             Farms are households which produce goods on a large scale and
                        must  meet  certain  criteria  for  production  scale  and  output  in
                        agriculture, forestry and fishing.

                              Currently,  according  to  Circular  No.  27/2011/TT-BNNPTNT
                        dated  April  13,2011  of  the  Ministry  of  Agriculture  and  Rural
                        Development on “Criteria and procedures to grant certificate of farm
                        economy”,  individuals  and  households  who  engaged  in  agricultural,
                        forestry  or  aquaculture  production  with  the  certification  of  farm

                        economy standards must satisfy the following conditions:

                             For  cultivation,  aquaculture  and  integrated  production
                        establishments, their farming area must be over the limit (3.1 ha for
                        the Southeast and the Mekong River Delta, 2.1 ha for the remaining
                        provinces) and production value of goods reaches 700 million VND

                        per year;

                             For  livestock  establishments  must  reach  the  output  value  of
                        goods at 1 billion VND/year and over;

                             For  forestry  production  establishments  must  have  a  minimum
                        area of 31 ha and average output value of goods at 500 million VND
                        per year and over.

                             Annual planted area is the planted area with agricultural crops

                        which the growth period do not exceed one year from planting time to
                        harvest, including cereal crops (rice, maize, millet etc.), industrial crops
                        (sugarcane, rush, jute, etc.), medical plants, food crops and legumes.

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