Page 158 - niengiam2022
P. 158
weighted average index of the production indices of VSIC 2-digit divisions
under the VSIC 1-digit sectors.
I qN 1 qN 2 W qN 2
W qN 2
I qN1: Production index of the VSIC 1-digit sectors;
I qN2: Production index of the VSIC 2-digit division;
W qN2: Weight of the VSIC 2-digit divisions. Weight of the VSIC 2-
digit divisions is the value added at current price of the base year 2015.
- Step 5: Calculating production index of the whole industry
The production index of the whole industry is the weighted average
index of VSIC 1-digit sectors representing in the whole industry.
I Q qN 1 W qN 1 qN 1
I Q: Production index of the whole industry;
I qN1: Production index of the VSIC 1-digit sectors;
W qN1: Weight of the VSIC 1-digit sectors. Weight of VSIC 1-digit
sectors is the value added at current price in 2015.
Industrial product is an indicator reflecting the direct results
generated by industrial production in a given period including industrial
physical products and services.
Industrial physical products are industrial products generated by using
working instruments acting upon object to turn the original mode of
materials into new products with new utilization value or products explored