Page 498 - Cục Thống kê tỉnh Hòa Bình
P. 498

                                AND METHODOLOGY OF SOME STATISTICAL
                                           INDICATORS ON INDUSTRY

                             Index  of  Industrial  Production  (IIP)  is  an  indicator  that
                        evaluates the growth rate of industrial production every month, quarter

                        and  year.  The  index  is  calculated  by  the  quantity  of  production,
                        therefore  it  is  also  called   the  index  of  quantity  of  industrial
                        production   The IIP is an important indicator quickly reflecting the
                        situation  of  industrial  production  growth  in  general  and  the  growth
                        rate of each commodity in particular; satisfying the information needs

                        of the State agencies, investors and other users.

                             The  IIP  is  calculated  as  the  percentage  of  the  quantity  of
                        industrial production generated in the current and base periods.

                             The  calculation  of  the  IIP  begins  with  the  calculation  of
                        production  index  of  commodity.  From  the  production  index  of

                        commodity, production indexes of VSIC 4-digit classes, VSIC 2-digit
                        divisions, VSIC 1-digit sectors and the whole industry can be calculated
                        and so can the IIP for a certain province or the whole country.

                             Calculation process:

                             - Step 1: Calculating production index of an item


                                                     i qn    n 1   100
                                                           q n 0


                             i :  Production  index  of  the  item  n  (For  example:  electricity,
                                  coal, fabric, cement, etc);

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