Page 117 - niengiam2022
P. 117

Gross  regional  domestic  product  per  capita  is  calculated  by
          dividing  the  gross  regional  domestic  product  for  the  year  by  the  average
          population in local for the respective year. Gross regional domestic product
          per  capita  can  be  calculated  at  current  prices,  in  domestic  or  foreign
          currencies, or at constant prices for computing the growth rate.

               STATE BUDGET

               Local  Sate  budget  revenues  (provinces/cities  directly  under  the
          central  government) refers to  all  revenues  mobilized into the  Sate budget
          fund  in  a  period  to  meet  the  expenditure  needs  of  local  governments,
          including: Revenues from taxes and fees; revenues from service activities
          performed  by  local  state  agencies,  in  case  operation  expenditure  is  lump
          sum, it shall be deducted; fees collected from service activities performed
          by  public  service  delivery  units  and  state-owned  enterprises  to  the  Sate
          budget as prescribed by law; grants directly from the other Governments,
          foreign organizations and individuals to local governments; other revenues
          as prescribed by law.

               Local Sate budget expenditures (provinces/cities directly under the
          central  government)  refers  all  Sate  budget  expenditures  under  the
          expenditure  tasks  done  by  centrally-managed  province/cities  in  a  certain
          period, decided by a state authority to ensure the performance of assigned
          functions  and  tasks,  including:  Expenditures  for  development  investment;
          concurrent  expenditure;  payment  for  interest  on  loans  borrowed  by  local

          governments;  for  additional  financial  reserve  fund  of  provinces  and  other
          expenses as prescribed by law.


               Capital  mobilization  balance  of  a  credit  institution  or  foreign
           ank’s  ranch is an amount in Viet Nam dong or a foreign currency at a
          certain  time  that  credit  institutions,  foreign  banks’  branches  receive  from
          legal  entities,  individuals  as  residents  of  Viet  Nam  in  non-financial
          institution  sector,  household  institution,  non-profit  institutions  serving

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