Page 169 - niengiam2021
P. 169


                Average equipped fixed       Average fixed assets in the period
                  asset per employee     =   Average employees in the period


                                Total fixed assets at the   +   Total fixed assets at the
            Average fixed        beginning of the period        end of the period
         assets in the period   =                        2

                                       Total number of           Total number of
                                       employees at the     +  employees at the end

          Average employees     =   beginning of the period       of the period
              in the period                               2

               The number of enterprises and statistical indicators of enterprises

          are  only  calculated  for  enterprises  which  are  still  operating  by  31
          December  every  year,  excluding:  (1)  Enterprises  that  received
          business license, tax code but still do not operate; (2) Enterprises that

          were dissolved, merged or transformed; Enterprises have been issued
          business registration certificate but not in the locality (verified but not
          found);  (3)  Units  are  not  independent  economic  accounting  such  as

          branches, dependent units and public service delivery units.
               Cooperatives  in  the  enterprise  survey  includes:  Cooperatives,

          cooperative unions and people’s credit funds.

               A cooperative is a collective, co-ownership economic organization,
          having the legal person status, voluntarily established by at least seven
          members  who  mutually  cooperate  in  production,  business  and  job

          creation to meet the common needs of cooperative members, on the
          basis of self-control, self-responsibility, equality and democracy in the
          management of the cooperative.

               A  cooperative  union  is  a  collective,  co-ownership  economic

          organization, having legal person status, voluntarily established by at

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